Hope Thou In God - Psalm 42, 43

As we are under stay-at-home orders and will not be able to gather together physically for Easter, I was intrigued by the statement in Psalm 42, verse 4: “for I had gone with the multitude, I went with them to the house of God, with the voice of joy and praise, with a multitude that kept holyday.”  Oh that day will come again, and hopefully soon! We may have a delayed Easter gathering but thankfully Jesus did not delay and the tomb is empty still! Every day for the believer is a celebration of His overcoming resurrection power!

This is the first of the “Suffering of the godly” Psalms. There are thirty of these and it is where we contemplate and try to reconcile the fact that we are God’s children and yet we oftentimes face more trouble than our unsaved counterparts. I will write another post concerning the current pestilence that we are facing, but let it suffice to say that I believe we are clearly seeing the hand of God being stretched forth to deal with a wicked, selfish, murderous people. You cannot say that you are concerned about protecting the vulnerable when you allow three thousand babies to be murdered - every day! If the Bible is true and history is any indicator, innocent blood spilled to the earth must be paid for.

I Peter 4:7 says “for the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God”. In other words, I believe God allows His people to be touched as well (and sometimes solely) so that we begin to turn back towards Him. We may then be in a position to truly help the lost find their way to the Lord. The believer in Jesus is not exempt from suffering and it comes in all shapes and sizes and affects us in a multitude of ways. What do we do when we are faced with trouble and it begins to settle in deep like it did for the Psalmist -

“my tears have been my meat day and night.”,

they say “where is thy God?”,

“why art thou cast down, O my soul?”,

“O my God, my soul is cast down within me.”,

“all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me.”,

“why art thou cast down, o my soul? and why art thou disquieted in me?”,

“why hast thou forgotten me?”,

“ why go I mourning because of the oppression of the enemy?”,

“why hast thou cast me off?”

These are clearly not the musings of a man who is in the midst of perfect peace and tranquility! In times like these, when we are faced with questions that have perplexed the most godly of men and will continue to leave us dumbfounded until our Lord makes all things new, we must follow the steps of faith until the light once again begins to fill the recesses of our inner man - we must hope in God. (v.5,11;43:5) Do you thirst for God as the hart pants for water? (v.1) Do you desire His presence?(v.2) Do you praise Him for He is your salvation? (v.5,11;43:5) Do you pray unto Him and remember that He commands his love toward you in the daytime and sings to you in the night? (v.8) Is He your rock? (v.9) Do you trust Him to judge you rightly and plead your cause and deliver you from deceitful and unjust men? (43:1) Do you look for His light to be sent out to guide you into the truth and lead you into His holy hill and His tabernacles? (v.3) Do you sing His praises and come before Him with exceeding joy - Is He your God? (v.4) We must hope in God and even when we cannot see the end, we must trust that He is commanding His love towards us and working all things together for good according to the purpose of His will to those who love Him. Hope thou in God!

Walking Confidently Without Sight

II Cor. 5:6-8 “Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord: (For we walk by faith, not by sight:) We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.”

In the midst of uncertainty such as we are facing in the World today, it is good for us to put everything back into perspective concerning what really matters in life. When we consider the ministry of the Apostle Paul, we realize that his life was one of constant uncertainty. Would he be sleeping in a comfortable bed tonight or one provided by the Romans? Would he be lauded with laurels and hailed as a god or laughed at with livid cruelty and stoned as a dog? Would he get a report today of another preacher gone rogue along with folks that he once held as his dearest friends marching lockstep to the wolf’s apostasy? Would there be any other church besides the Philippian congregation that would help supply his needs? Of course it was not just the Apostle Paul who faced constant uncertainty but just about every believer in that time, as it is for many to this present hour.

What are you seeing today? If all you can see is what is going on around you, then you are not going to be very confident. If your confidence is in what may or may not happen today or tomorrow to this earthly body then you are going to be troubled indeed. I love the Lord and I love what He has done for us! He has given us eyes to see (for we walk by faith, not by sight) things as they really are and with that a confidence that is always abiding. How are things in reality? Well, we are at home in the body and thus we are absent from the Lord. As long as I am here, I am not there. I don’t know about you, but that reality is not quite the Balm of Gilead that really inspires confidence to the soul. So, on the other hand, we are confident and willing to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. As soon as I am there, I will not be here! Now there’s the balm being applied and a surge of confidence to keep pressing on until He calls me to His presence. Are we really willing to be absent from the body? Not because I don’t want to be here but because I truly want to be there. Why are we so concerned about getting sick? Believers shouldn’t be. Our Lord holds the keys of life and death. Our times are in His hands. We must learn to see things as they really are and not hold onto this life with such a grip that it keeps us from confidently walking by faith and not by sight. For the things which cannot be seen are eternal and we have a glorious future awaiting us when we depart from this corruptible, mortal temple of flesh and are clothed upon with that new house we will receive from our Lord very soon! Look up and see things as they really are and walk confidently by faith.